Ready, Set, Pillprep!

Simplify Your Medication Management

Our Approach

We understand the challenges individuals face in keeping track of multiple medications, varying dosages, and complex schedules. Pillprep offers comprehensive pill box management coupled with professional nursing oversight in the comfort of our clients' homes.

Peace of Mind in Every Pillbox

With nursing oversight, our clients benefit from the reassurance of having a trained healthcare professional monitoring their medication regimen. Our nurses conduct regular assessments, monitor vital signs, and communicate with healthcare providers to ensure optimal medication adherence and address any health concerns promptly.


Now Serving Ottawa, IL and Surrounding Areas

Say goodbye to the hassle of sorting pills and hello to a newfound sense of ease with Pillprep. Experience the difference our precise attention to detail and commitment to patient satisfaction can make in safely managing your medications.

Our Services

  • Pillbox Management

  • Nursing Assessments

  • Contacting the Doctor

  • Proactive Nurse Oversight

"Pillprep has transformed my medication management. Juggling multiple medications was once a struggle, but their personalized care has eliminated the stress. Their attention to detail and reliability ensure I'm always on track.”

— Pillprep Patient

Get started with Pillprep, today.